Tuesday 11 November 2014

Gamergate. The history of ethical issues in video game journalism

Gamergate is about ethical issues in video game journalism. Some people say it's about misogyny and harassment in video game culture, and will there is misogyny and harassment this problem is not about that, at the core of gamergate it is talking about ethical problems in video game journalism. This all started before gamergate, November 2007.

Jeff Gerstmann who is a video game journalist was fired "on the spot" due to advertiser pressure for his review of Eidos' Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. Gamespot had backgrounds and multiple banner ads all pitching Kane & Lynch. publisher Eidos "took issue with the review and threatened to pull its ad campaign." One of the best reviewers goes because the publisher didn’t like the review and the website didn’t want to lose money, a very bad use of power by the publisher Eidos.

In October 2012 Jeff Keeley who is a Canadian video game journalist was accused of being in bed with the video game industry and ran with a picture of a languid-looking Keeley sitting between a Halo 4 poster and a bag of product-placed Doritos and neatly stapled Mountain Dew bottles. It is the most important image in games journalism today.

video game journalism only spans three it started out as a grassroots, wild and woolly, no-holds-barred pursuit and took years to become the largely corporate-run big business we know today. The popularization of video games and the resultant co-opting of game journalism by large corporations hasn't been all bad. After all, it's led to the exponential growth of the game industry and has created a world where people openly let their freaky gamer flags fly.

 In 1974 the first issue of Play Meter Magazine was out but this was  aimed at coin-op owners, but the first real consumer video game publication in the States  was Electronic Games Magazine and it the UK Computer and Video Games in November 1981

In 1974 the first issue of Play Meter Magazine was released but this was aimed at coin-op owners, but the first real consumer video game publication in the States was Electronic Games Magazine but in the UK it was Computer and Video Games, it's first issue was in November 1981, this birth the video game reviewer.

The mid 80's saw the first issue of the most important video game Magazine ever Nintendo Power, Nintendo Power focused heavily on providing game strategy, tips and tricks, reviews, and previews of upcoming games. This Magazine single handedly helped video games go into pop culture.

In the 90's This expanded audience of new gamers were hungry for gaming info and magazine publishers scrambled to fill the demand without fully realizing that a new form of popular media was quickly overtaking them the gaming website, and all if most gaming Magazines died off including the death of Nintendo Power in December 2012

Video game journalism along the way, its growth has gone hand-in-glove with that of the game industry itself, moving from something created by a small group of revolutionaries to something upon which big business spends millions of dollars. Today game journalism is once again changing but it’s on very bad ground part to of the rise of one youtube let's player Pewdiepie. he specializes in Let's Play videos of the horror and action video game genres. Since 15 August 2013, PewDiePie's channel has been the most subscribed channel on YouTube he is estimated to make 1.1 million a month or that what socialblade said, we really don’t know the next step or if there is one.

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